LOV PTO is an all-volunteer, parent-run, non-profit organization committed to enhancing and enriching the education of our children and fostering a sense of community within our schools.
Membership and Dues
Membership in LOV PTO is open to any adult individual, including Lovettsville school employees and community members, who subscribe to our objectives and basic policies.
Annual membership dues are $5.00 per member or $10 per family.
Only members of the organizational shall be eligible to participate in the business meetings, or to serve in any of its elective or appointive positions.
Monthly Meetings
All members are welcome to attend and encouraged to participate to enrich of our children’s academic and community experiences, staff and teacher appreciation activities, and family fun events. We hope to see you soon!
The Lovettsville Elementary School Parent Teacher Organization (LOV PTO) was granted non-profit 501(c) tax exempt status October 1999. All donations are tax deductible.
The objectives of the organization are:
- To promote the welfare of the children and youth in home, school and community
- To support adequate laws for the care and protection of children and youth
- To bring into closer relation the home and the school, that parents and teachers may cooperate in the education of the children and youth
- To develop between educators and the general public such united efforts as will secure for all children and youth the highest advantages in physical, mental, social and education
The objectives of this organization are promoted through an educational program directed towards parents, teachers and general public; are developed through conferences, committees, projects and programs; and are governed and qualified by the basic policies set forth in Article III.
Bylaws of the Lovettsville Elementary School PTO